Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I'm happy that you undersatnd
I'm so tired i didnt have enough rest!!:( Due to some reason.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Pls stop your nonsense
Thursday, August 27, 2009
No choice
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Because of you:)
I'm gonna slim down!! Pls help mi to slim down. Okay? Don't feed mi anymore!!
I realised that i need you alot
I don't wish to lose you
I need you by my side, don't ever leave mi okay?
Treat mi better can? You should know what i'm saying
Monday, August 24, 2009
What a fuuny day !
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Good to have you!
My niece like pretty also cam whor with mi~.~

Thanks to my 2 sisters da jie and er jie for helping mi:) You know i know. Haha! Having sisters is good when i got any problem they sure will help mi! Love them man!!
Just a slut!
Anyway reading ur blog makes my day full of laughter too:) Laugh out loud!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Bicth and slut!!
Going to take a nap, because later i will be going out. Today i will be home before 12:) I promise!
You're such a bitch and slut! You think i give a dam? NO! Just fuck off. You want you come don't at behind say so much! CCb! I think your mother never teach you. Whole family is just bastard and bicth! Whole family DIE man!! Knn! Why so many people die you don't die? Should let other people to live and you die!
Friday, August 21, 2009
My regret
[1st verse:]
It’s too late now, still I’ve got something to say…Girl I’m sorry that I treated you that wayTime has gone now, and the moment has passed…When I had the chance to try and make us lastAll alone now, and it’s no one’s fault by mine…Couldn’t see the truth, I had those blinded eyesYou have moved on, still I don’t give a damn…Gotta get this off my chest while I can
(How… I… need… you… more…and more… will… youCome…back… to…me… please?)
Every single hour,Of every single day, IMiss you more and more,Don’t know what to say, IKnow I closed the door,You’re gone and on your wayBut now, I need you, I need you…
[Chorus (2x):]
Wanna take it back to the day when we first met,If I could, I’d start all over again…Our love is My Regret
[2nd verse:]Should have known then, what I know now…Dying every second that you’re not aroundShould have been there, when you needed me…Now I’m by myself, on my bended kneesShould have loved you, while I had the chance to…Couldn’t realize that you were the truthShould have shown you, what you meant to me…Baby now I see, that you were my queen[
(How… I… need… you… more…and more… will… youCome…back… to…me… please?)
Every single hour,Of every single day, IMiss you more and more,Don’t know what to say, IKnow I closed the door,Sent you on your wayAnd now you’re gone…
Wanna take it back to the place when we first met,If I could, I’d start all over again…Our love is My Regret
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Bitch man
Anyway, Just shut up bitch! Dont think you big fuck or what. I dont give a damn! Just fuck it. Knn pcb!!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Stomach pain
My stomach fucking pain!! Where is my chocolat and sweet all that?? Everytime mummy will buy for mi. So that i wont be so pain:) Good right?
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
So happy!
Monday, August 17, 2009
I love you x5
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I wait till that day
My sis want to see the heels so i take the picture:)

My sis bought this give mi and my sis! Thanks!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
I just found out a secret
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Full of lies
I dont know what happened to mi eh last month and this month i keep having headache and very giddy. Then like having fever, my body is hot then noraml. See doctor for so many times le, finish all the medicine but still the same. Really so sick and tired of it la.Tsk. I hate it man!! My mummy say that cos once i want recover then i go club all that but i dun think so lor. What to do?? Sigh
Oh ya today after my paper have breakfast with darling. Omg! FAT le la! Then send mi home:) I'm so tired lor!! Everyday seems to be so tired for mi:(
What secret life girl are you most like?
Your Result: Grace
You and Grace have a lot in common! You are very cheerful and bubbly and everyone loves to be around you. You care about your friends and family and would do anything for them. You are a very pretty girl that everyone loves!
Anyway i seriously gonna slim down and now i try my best not to eat so much!
My niece is sick hope she faster recover!!*.*
I'm still waiting
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I want....
I'm super tired eh! I going to take a nap as darling dun noe die to where liao:) Ass!
Sharon ah sharon. I dun noe how to say you lei. You hurt yourself by doing that. Izzit worth it? Just cos of a guy you do such a stupid thing uh. Do you think he care? I think he wont care at all. He will think that you're stupid only. So stop hurting yourself and you still got us. Alright? Cheer up gal!
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

This is a bitch man! Wan find her go Geylang find her! Remember uh! She work at her majesty and sure will find till her. Like to break ppl family and such a slut! PLK!! Just you watch out eh!! Fucking bitch!!!
Today have my math paper 1 and Cpa paper 1 after my paper thought cannot go home is like WTF! Lucky the teacher told us that we can go back then tell darling that i can go home so he ask mi to wait for him and i wait for him for so long la. Angry lor! Then after that they went to play game so i accompany them go and see them play~.~ Around 2 plus Home sweet home darling send mi home and he go home too:) My sis today all come here again and majong session! So nosiy again and i haven study for tml paper and cant even slep:( tsk!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Clubbing and watching movie

Saturday, August 8, 2009
The time will stop for mi and you!
What makes you happy?
Your Result: Love ~
The thing that makes you happy,even though you might not realise it is love and caring. You like to spend quiet time at home with your family or hang with your friends. As fun-loving as you are, you're also a very emotional person and would have a hard time dealing with life without the love ingredient. The ability to make people laugh is always on your side. Don't lose it. Careful though. Being so nice can go a long way. And having so many friends, some of which in constant need of attention, can be very stressful at times. Don't overdo it. After all, being so open and friendly for no apparent reason also brings in the threat of becoming vulnerable to traitors, hypocrtis etc... Trusting is always a risky business, don't let anyone invade your privacy, and never get too carried away in those annoying optimistic thoughts. Safety first (: Your ideal romantic match is an opposite of your character. He/she'll complete you in a unimaginable way and make you feel truly content, special... fulfuilled.
What are you afraid of! What makes you sad? What makes you afraid to not be loved?
Your Result: loving some
your afraid to love someone you dont want to hurt them. cuz you know how it felt before and u dont want anyone else to fell that pain like you have. you car too much to hurt.
I think is quite true about this quiz!!:)
Tonight clubbing!
Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tired, tired and tired!!
I think i'm fat lor! I gonna slim down!! I'm going to eat lesser or not at all. So pls dun feed mi anymore! :)
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Darling faster recover!
After my N level i seriously feel like going on a holiday!:)
Going to slep now:) Fucking tired! I not enough slep man!
How much do you care about him/her?
Your Result: You are deeply in love with him/her
You are such a lovely person that you can't be with someone else without sharing a bit with him/her. You stay awake in nights thinking of thet special and lovely person you're with...
I seriously care about him alot:)
Crush, Love or In love?
Your Result: You definitely LOVE him/her
You guys defintely have a connection! More than enough to say you love him/her but not in love. What you have is special but if he/she feels the same, dont be surprised to hear they just want to be friends. I'd say you have alot in common and always have fun together. You may think its true love but 'the one' is still out there!
I love him!
Monday, August 3, 2009
Time to slow down
Just take this quiz at facebook
If you're single
Your Result: Busy Bee, time to slow down
You are going to be successful, there is no doubt about that, but success can be lonely. Money "CAN" buy happiness. Who doesn't like a nice house, nice car, nice clothes, great restaurants and the financial means to travel to nice places. Hell, if you have to pay to 'get some' you can. Success gains respect from others and a sense of self accomplishment; and you have to work very hard to attain that. Despite your super busy schedule, how about making "Open Spaces" in your weekly schedule where you take 3 or 4 hours to do things for yourself. You're most likely good looking, but if not, use a little of your money to impress that special person. Superficial is effective.
I think is time to slow down:)
I still got take this quiz too "why are you still single?"
Your Result: You're Expecting Too Much
Sure, you deserve to meet your dream guy/girl, but maybe s/he isn't exactly what you've read about in fairy tales or seen in the movies. Sometimes we think we've found ''the one'' after just a couple of dates, but that very rarely happens in real life. Don't confuse that initial dating euphoria for a ''happily ever after' situation-- jumping into things too soon can scare someone off or rush what could potentially be a good thing. So just remember to play things by ear and not get too excited, too soon.
This quiz really very true i expect too much le:) That's why i still single! tsk