Well, there's so much to say till i don't know where to start. Life is still the same. Clubbing and drink! As for work is so busy till i can't finish my work. Sometimes at work will unhappy about some stuff. But who cares i just need to finish my work. That's it! I'm tired of everything, can i just throw everything here and get my ass out?! Say always is easy but when you really wanna do it is different story. I believe in karma so i have been thinking is this my karma? I really don't know! I know is hard for mi to stop once i put in all. But what about you?! Do you ever feel the same or i'm just a new toy for you? I doubt you will not know how i feel. Blame myself for giving so much! But no matter what i will just follow how the feeling goes! Cos you're the only!
It happened cos of the reason:)