Sunday stay at home the whole day to get enough of rest cos get ready to go sch..I really dun have the mood to go sch lor..I hope that now is still holiday for mi!But never mind i still got 3 more months and i'm free:)I waiting for that days nia..
Today first day of school but i never go, i dun feel like going and somemore i haven get ready my things so plan to go tml but my dad say that if tml i dun wan go then dun go lor..Cos of the H1N1:)haha..So tml i think i wont be going!Love him man!!1 week dun go oso never mind:)yeah
Cute right?
I like her so much!!
Was talking with my sis at msn and we video..I had took some pictures!Haha Let's see

Funny right?haha

Funny right?haha
I shall stop here^.^
I really hope that we can be like the past
I hope that everything never change, is like before we use to be like
But is over le,time wont turn back and everything changed
Why just can't be like the past
Seriously i miss the past with you!
Nites loves
wahlau,stupid apple